A creative protest movement for artistic freedom on social media. Protesting the censorship of art, promoting Vienna’s historic sexual liberty and its most famous museums. Vienna is home to some of the world’s most iconic artworks. 100 years ago, Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Koloman Moser and many more fought for the free expression of their art. 100 years later, social media algorithms make their fight obsolete and label Viennese art pornographic leading to blocked accounts and deleted posts. We wanted to bring the discussion about nude art back to where it belongs: in the hands of people, not algorithms.

The Vienna Tourist Board took censored artworks from out cooperating museums (Albertina Museum, Leopold Museum, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Naturhistorisches Museum) and published them on OnlyFans, which allows 18+ content for subscribers.

Every subscription on OnlyFans granted free entry to the participating museums or a free Vienna City Card. A simple move that started a global discussion: 2.5 billion impressions, 150 million engagements, more than 2.500 articles worldwide and media coverage reaching over 730 million people.



Vienna Tourist Board’s “Vienna Strips on OnlyFans” campaign has won the following awards:


  • Client: Vienna Tourist Board.
  • Agency: Jung Von Matt DONAU.
  • Creative Director: Michael Morgenbesser.
  • Art Director: Denise Danninger.
  • Design Digital: Julian Frener.
  • Photographer of Outdoor Statues: David Payr.
  • Casefilm: Mateusz Najder.


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