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The pinnacle of European advertising creativity. Dubbed "the Cannes Lions of Europe," Eurobest is the continental counterpart to the prestigious Cannes Lions festival, both organized...

The World's Most Creative Campaigns of the Year.  Every year, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity showcases the pinnacle of advertising and creative excellence,...

The most prestigious category.  The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is renowned for recognizing groundbreaking and game-changing work in the advertising and marketing industry....

The very best of European advertising company.  Nicknamed "the Cannes Lions of Europe", the Eurobest are in fact the continental equivalent of the prestigious Cannes...

Advertising agencies are an endangered species.  Since day one, the marketing industry has always been in a constant evolution, which is maybe what makes it...

Les publicitaires sont de retour sur la Croisette.  Après 2 années d'absence, les Cannes Lions sont bel et bien de retour sur la Côte d'Azur....

The very best of the best. With 29.074 campaign entries, coming from 90 countries, the 2021 Cannes Lions are revealing this week  (from 21 to...

Le festival des crayons métalliques. À l'instar des ADC 2021 et des D&AD 2021, l'édition 2021 du festival publicitaire des One Show (New York) a également...

Les crayons les plus convoités. Festival anglais historique et prestigieux, les D&AD (alias "Design & Art Direction") sont un des festivals les plus exigeants :...

Le marché de emploi dans la publicité est en difficulté mais oui, certaines agences recrutent.  Découvrez dans cet article le TOP 9 des agences de communication françaises...